What We Do
At NBDA, we believe in a dyslexic friendly society, that enables neuro-diverse people of all ages to reach their full potential.
Registered Charity 289930
At NBDA, we believe in a dyslexic friendly society, that enables neuro-diverse people of all ages to reach their full potential.
We operate a helpline service run by volunteers. Please be considerate when calling, some helpliners are very busy and some have full-time jobs but give what time they can to help take phone calls.
Helpline: 01604 328 075
Office & Admin: 01327 703 626
If you are concerned about your child’s progress with their education at school, you should contact their teacher or the school’s Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) to discuss your concerns and the appropriate support to put in place. (it may be worth having their vision and hearing checked to see if there are any underlying problems)
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support is the support that a school or college should put in place for a child/ young person with SEN. A pupil does not need to have an official diagnosis of a learning difficulty in order for support to be given. However, a Diagnostic Assessment can ensure that any additional support is targeted to the pupil’s specific areas of weakness and strength.
Adults with dyslexia are all different. Some dyslexic adults feel unable to cope with their difficulties, whilst others have found ways to get round their problems but changing demands at work or a new venture in life can present tough challenges.
There is no cure for dyslexia but with the right help and support dyslexics can overcome their difficulties and achieve great things. Many dyslexic people learn to cope with their difficulties, to make good use of their areas of strength and to become successful and fulfilled individuals.